30 Day Devotion

Day 31

You’ve done it! 30 days of reading through the Bible. Our hope is that this has given you a hunger to get further into reading and discovering about this amazing book.

Some other resources that we find helpful are:

1. The Bible Project – they believe that the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. They have amazing Youtube videos, podcast and study guides and much more. Get hooked on The Bible Project, it is worth your time.

2. Read Scripture – an amazing Bible reading app you can use to follow along reading through the WHOLE BIBLE in a year! So helpful to do rather than just reading through bits of the Bible here and there. It also links to Bible Project vids 🙂

3. YouVersion Bible App – with a plethora of devotional plans and multiple version of the Bible to read for free, why not download the Bible App and get rolling with a new devotion today!

4. Dwell Scripture Listening App – maybe you want to listen to the Bible being read and select the style of background music behind it, Dwell is a great way you can listen to scripture.

5. Streetlights Bible Audio – on the same thread as audio Bible, for a bit of fun, check out the work of Streetlights Bible who are available on Spotify & Apple Music